Liquid Limit Graph Paper – The drop should be exactly 1. This blog post is a report of laboratory soil analysis to find the liquid limit which is a coefficient needed for soil classification. These data is used to calculate the moisture content in the soil sample. For liquid limit test, the penetration values are plotted against the moisture content.
By drawing a best fit line. In addition, a best fit line is added to the chart. The best fit equation is includ. Following data was obtained during a liquid limit test.
Liquid Limit Graph Paper
Liquid Limit Graph Paper
Necessary equations, charts and tables, developed on the aasho road. Liquid limit test procedure scope 1.1 this section describes the laboratory procedure for determining the liquid limit of soils using the device specified in section. The flow curve, an example of which is shown in the figure 5.10 below, can be obtained by plotting the water content with the corresponding number of blows on.
This video demonstrates how to plot liquid limit test results in excel. Adjust the drop of the cup of the liquid limit device by releasing the two screws at the top and by using the handle of the grooving tool or a gauge.
Liquid Limit Test Data Analysis How to Calculate the Liquid Limit
How to Make Liquid Limit Graph in Excel Spreadsheet HubPages
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Graph of liquid limit test The result shows that the clay has liquid
How to Make Liquid Limit Graph in Excel Spreadsheet HubPages
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